Terms & Conditions

Welcome to JB Bearz! These terms and conditions provide information about our service. When you load jbbearz.com or view our videos on YouTube you are agreeing to these terms. You can accept the terms by simply watching our videos or arriving at our website.

Who can use JB Bearz. We want our videos to be inclusive, equitable and safe for people of all ages. JB Bearz does not make content that is harmful to children, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racial, or otherwise disturbing to viewers. We do not offer a comment or feedback section viewable to the public, as we do not condone the above behavior by others in the form of verbal or written notes on our website or YouTube pages.

We want you to enjoy JB Bearz. If you have an issue or dispute, you agree to raise it and try to resolve it with us informally. You can contact us directly with feedback or concerns by emailing us at hello@jbbearz.com.

Links and buttons. Certain links and buttons in this website will lead you to websites which are hosted by our partners. When you click on any of these links you will leave this website and we have no control over, and will not accept responsibility or liability for material viewed or heard on websites aside from jbbearz.com.